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Monday, September 13, 2010

Second time of birthday celebration, with surprise~

We went to Bukit Tinggi which we planned long time ago. Night before the trip, we all planned Luppy's birthday at my place. Choosing his pictures was like laughing our ass off !!! We did a big cardboard with all his "nice nice" pictures on it, then we blew balloons and kept them behind Evonne's car so we can ask him to open the car bonnet and give him a birthday surprise.

So the next day, we all went up to Bukit Tinggi, on the way up to there, due to the pressure, one of the balloon at the bonnet burst, SMARTLY me forgot that Luppy was sitting behind there and said: ''Oh ya, the balloon burst! Its the pressure make the balloon burst!!! Then Luppy said: ''Balloon? What balloon?'' Everyone is like: ''Shit!" And they quickly said something to distract him but lastly he found out. Lee Shongen!! You just did a great job!!=.=

But, its kind of fine afterward. So, as the punishment, i told to take the tissue paper at Nicole's car bonnet. At that time i didn't think too much because i'm little depressed that i ruined the plan. When i opened the car bonnet, "Surprise!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!" Really, i'm surprised. I never thought of you guys will celebrate my birthday for second time! Same thing, lots of colorful balloons, a full of my "nice nice" pictures birthday card and present underneath. Thank you guys very much!!! Love the present and had a wonderful and crazy night. We like clubbing in the car! We should do that again!!! Shake the car and shout out loud, i hope this is not the last time.


  1. lets do it again!!!smartly u wor~

  2. tat day until now still not say hapi birthday with u~~~here,hope u hapi always and good lucky for your future.hope tat day oso not the last day to meet up for us oso~~~
